Monday, February 16, 2009

me day memory nay

-so weekend done and somewhat unscathed but that is okay me day was perfect after having a pretty excellent evening prior in the afternoon i went and gots m'hair did and then i went and shopped and i bought a couple tshirts and then you know what i totally bought another houndstooth hat but in olive color. pathetic. and then i went to zawas and ate and had a beer then went home and turned fucking ninja assasin tenchu style on the wii (!!!!) and then slept and woke up and played more and then slept. oh i also bought a new toque because the apartment has apparently swallowed my old one but then again i could have left it somewhere which is sorta like a neat seguay into the next thing and that...

is totally my memory. funny enough i mentioned it the other day but i think my brain is like no dude we dont function under certain situations like when bevys are included but not even to the point of absolute drunken stupidity then sleep like decent function and i know what i am doing then the next day its blank and then i see comments and call logs and am horrified because seriously if you know the shit that comes out of my mouth on a regular day ya well multiply that 4 thousand million times no joke friends usually do the NOW DONT MENTION [enter socially unacceptable topic that was shared with you in privacy] TONIGHT K!@#!$! and i nod and never remember if i did. i think i am figuring out the recipe for john doe state and that is mixing different races of drink. but my phone i need to fucking lock that thing or just turn it off when drinking because the call logs are the worst when you see who you called and call lengths so you know conversations were held and but nothing. hah. awesome. i did forget to take my remember fx on saturday... maybe thats my problem. i think i will invest in post it notes. lots of em. the multi colored neon ones. the bland yellow ones are totally gay and boring. i like color. they make you want to look at your notes and remember. and when your done remembering that note you take it down crumple it and then throw it away with satisfaction because you done remembering and no longer have to remember about that note. thats the best.

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