Friday, October 28, 2005

positive crack

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-i am normally a happy go happy person in the morning unless i am doing some serious nursing of a hangover but even then i just walk around and am like whatev as i am generally oblivious to the world but one thing that really irritates the piss out of me are homelss people knocking me out of my world of obliviousnesess. now i am not meaning every homeless person asking for change as i usually just say sorry and sometimes you get the angry person who curses at you in which i promptly reply with a finger in the air or you get the religious homeless person who says god bless and i usually reply with have a good day. i am not angry at the fact that they are homeless i just get a little frusterated with the lies they choose to spill out not that i know who is lying but when someone is saying they need money for food and shelter as they have their crack pipe sitting next to them and crack sores all over their face that resemble that of a teenage boy in puberty who rubbed pizza grease all over their face then ya i will doubt your story of hunger. i have given money to some that are out right honest and say they need it for weed or beer or the ones who are creative like one time i was approached by some hideous looking shaggy transient and he said HELP ME I AM UGLY AND NO ONE LIKES ME i gave him a buck. he made me laugh because he was so god damn ugly.

[rant]BUT... what i DO NOT TOLERATE are the ones who approach you in the morning and start off by going I AM HIV POSITIVE CAN YOU SPARE SOME CHANGE. that right there makes me stop and glare at them. urges to punch them in the throat, spit in their face, kick them in the testicles (you get the point) flash through my mind but i have to clench my fists and resort to verbally assaulting them informing them that they should go fuck themselves in the worst way. i usually get colorful response from them and looks from other passer-bys. yes you may be HIV positive but to me that is not an excuse for being on the street. i have friends who are HIV positive and that does not stop them from having decent jobs and pretty nice places to live (nicer than mine even)... i do not know it just ruffles my feathers in the absolute worst way, especially in the morning as i drag my ass to work .[end rant]

1 comment:

Christine said...

I agree with you. That is just playing on people's sympathies. Even if they do have HIV, that doesn't mean dying and it doesn't mean using it an excuse unlike any other disability. End of MY rant. :-)