Friday, August 10, 2007

probiotic monkey juice

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take a bow frances street

-i have eaten like 4 things of probiotic yogurt and i feel healthy or at least that is what i have led myself to believe that the yogurt and the live bacteria is working magic in my colon or whatever it is supposed to do i am not sure but the packaging totally tells me it is good for me so i am like super man now mind you i had 2 martinis last night and then a beer when i got home and when i woke up this morning i felt incredibly hung over so now i think the probiotic yogurt actually destroyed my alcohol tolerance away while it did its cleaning inside my body and or whatever it does and i am not happy because do you know how long it took me to build that puppy up and all the weird places i have fallen asleep but anyway back to square one here we go or maybe i was just having a bad day yesterdsay. ya i sorta was. we all were werent we.

-i go through phases of creativity i do yes i do and i am not saying it is good creativity but it is like the monkeys are fed speed and i am on overdrive and i want to create stuff and the monkeys have been eating again apparently and i have been like what the fuck but anyway bitch has been sewing these little things
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and then one day i was like i am going to make one to0 just watch and i will make it of you and your fucking hair
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and there you have it that is bitch if he were sewn goods with hair and all and i tell him that i liked his hair when it was short and his response was I HAVE A PLAN JARED I HAVE A PLAN and then swipes it behind his ears all bitch style and i mentioned this to elizabeth last night and she laughed because if you know bitch you can hear him say it.

and then i wanted to paint something so i started
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and this is so circa grade 11 and i think i know where i want to take it so hold your breath people. i am showing all this because you fucking wait i will be famous because oprah told me so well not me directly but she said to all the housewives watching her show and i was watching tv because it was a holdiay in canada on monday and ya she said if you think really hard or some bullshit like that it will manifest and i will manifest fame.

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