Tuesday, August 28, 2007

scrabbling books for paint

-i know shari does not read this or at least i do not think she does and if you do shari then sorry for ruining this since i may have not given it to you yet but anyway she asked for a platypus painting way back and i finally got down to finish it for her and i like it i do.
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thats waddy the pink pot bellied platylus. welcome.

-um so i was needing something to read awhile back actually before i went to mexico and i bought "i know this much is true" by wally lamb and it was amazing and i just finished it and it was a pick of the oprah book club blah blah blah and whatever oprah can pick good books i guess and tanya lent me another book because i needed a new one and guess what it is another oprah book oh gawd but i am cool and i will read it. it is about people in india and i just started and there are like packed trains and no legged bums and cows sorta what i thought india would be like. oh its called "a fine balance" by rohinton mistry.

-omg i am watching power of 10 and amber from big brother is on and she is crying surprise jesus needs to put cotton swabs in every hole in that womans body i am thinking. dear jesus... i need to ask you a favor...
i also just noticed when amber is talking she looks like a muppet. silly bitch.

-oh and since i finished the platypus for shari i started a new animal painting and i can not tell you what it is not that i actually care but i am trying to do like this SUSPENSEFUL thing
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hmm i wonder what it is is what i know youre thinking and well i will just tell you it is the beginning of a seahorse. or see-whores. hah. i amuse myself way too easily. but it will get better. i promise.

-my birthday is in like 3 days. yep. 27. fuck.

-oooohhhh on facebook they have this application where you can play scrabble. i have been playing scrabble sooooo much with everybody. if you are on my facebook, please challenge me to a game. i love scrabble. i do not know why. i just do. like drinking. drinking and scrabble. fun.

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