Friday, September 21, 2007

mormon wine breath

-last night i learned of the three words when said together make you almost choke on wine. true story. the three words okay well i guess four sorry its morning math skills are lacking but anywayanyway....


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i know. totally eh?!. its like which one of those words does not belong with the other. ugh. the fags survivor picks to be on their shows are always so... i dunno... gay?. i wanna see him bitch it out with the i-love-jesus radio show host and then go and suck off the surf instructor.

i thought it was bad but when i went to the website to grab the above picture i read the homo's bio and ya, it like got worse...:

"He describes himself as fantastic, amazing, awesome and

"He thinks the Spice Girls are the most significant historical event of the past 100 years and is unbelievably stoked that they are going on a reunion tour this winter."

have i mentioned that he is mormon too?

-this morning when i woke up and i staggered outside to smoke i had to grab a hoodie because i can see my breath now and that sucks and with that i say good bye summer that never was.

-i thought i had more to say but apparently not.

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