Thursday, October 18, 2007

dancing indian bee

-remember the bee that tanya was all like AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH about well this was the outcome and he died a happy death
(you should turn your volume down because tanya and i are on beer 3 annoying)

we got a new beer though that was nice eh.

-if there was a show called dancing with strangers i would tote be number one because i am like the fucking master of it you know when you are walking down the street and someone enters your path and you realize and dodge out of the way but at the same exact time they do in the same direction so you go the other way and so do they... i do this maybe 3 more times and the other person always looks so pissed off because i was trying to be curteious and get out of their fucking way. and its worse when it rains AND i have my umbrella then i am just like gene kelly. i think i have talked about this before too i think maybe possibly so sorry and i do not know i remember nothing.

-have you ever been to a consulate or embassy or anything like that where you need to get a visa? its such a lame process and sitting and waiting is always involved. i have to do this for my job periodically. today i went to the india consulate. got there and was number 88 and they were starting at 77 and i sit and what is insane is this have this fairly big tv and its playing this totally cheezy indian soap opera and its all dramatic and the lead actor was sorta cute and then it would be all slow mo or something and then the music would blare all **BINGDING*LING*BING*DIAYY*YAY*ABI*GLING** you know and with like saris flying around that is alot to take in especially at 8:45am and as i am calculating in my head how many people are before me over and over and over again in hopes the number might shrink and it doesnt then i am up and i leave 30 minutes later **BINGDING*LING*DNINDG*DING*BINGLING*GONG**

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