Thursday, February 21, 2008

stress crack and pop

-i dislike this week so far. office = stress. come home relax. ooo starburst i will chew on this and then crack oh look a piece of my tooth decided to leave me. that is nice. i guess i have to call the dentist and get him to work through his lunch like he did 2 months ago and then when i say thank you dentist man for takng the time to fix my mouth he just walks away because he is apparently all about the warm and fuzzy feeling. i broke it 2 nights ago and i still have not called because i know i get speeches on crowns and stuff and well if he will be paying for each 700.00 crown they have quoted me then by all means lets do this but when i am living pay cheque to pay cheque due to loan madness i am thinking a skittle could fit in the hole nicely until july. mind you i know my tooth problem is nothing like rizzas wisdom pulling.

-then i woke up this morning and bitch had to work early so he was up and he said good morning and i said HGJKDALIYU COFFEE? and he said the coffee maker decided not work this morning and it does this thing where sometimes if you press on it is like fuck you and wont work and so i stared at it for a long time willing it to work and it would not so i got ghetto and boiled water and just poured it in slowly and made a cup of mean strong coffee and then as i am doing this the coffee maker is like CLUNK and then started to work. ridiculous.

-now i am sitting here thinking about all the work i have to do today, tomorrow, the next day and at this rate i will visit the office on the weekend.
i wish it was last weekend again where we went to an 'art show' and the bartender lady was a complete cow because i went up to her and said I WILL NOT GET ANGRY IF YOU POUR A COUPLE OF SHOTS IN FOR FREE and she said okay and then on slaught of drunk.

-but i guess it is not all that bad a client sent me flowers and i like orchids and i guess she knew so that was nice.

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