Wednesday, August 09, 2006

sometimes nipple hair

-i forget sometimes how gay bitch is and then i go to his webpage and i see shit like this!!!
um ya hi... that is why he does that shit when i am not around because he knows he would get gay bashed.

-the internet connection is gone on the corner of the bed. the only place i can get it is when i place the laptop half way out my window resting on my window ledge. actually i should not be saying " I get it" as it was bitch who found it. i am waiting to come home to hear how my laptop sorta fell out the window. i give it 2 days.

-so apparently pride was more fun than i remember which i can understand. i remember after the parade we went to some non-gay pub to drink and then friends left to go somewhere leaving two jugs of beer half full so me being the family dog of my friends in terms of beer i took care of the scraps in like 5 minutes and from there it was a blur and i remember going to another pub and i remember waking up at home on my living room floor. the middle parts are blurry. normally that would bother someone.. me it is a fun filter and i am like whatever. i do recollect at one point seeing an old manager of mine from crapland and so sent him an email yesterday:


From: Jared
To: Russ
Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2006 11:28 am
Subject: Re: Here...

Dear Mr. XXXX
It was an absolute delight seeing you this weekend. Though my sight was doubled that is not a problem because two of you is always better than one. I can not recollect what we discussed but out of the brief little flashes from the end of the parade to waking up on my living room floor at 1am i do remember seeing you so feel privelaged that you stuck out in my memory cells swimming in pools of over indulgent alcohol. i am aloud it is pride. i do have to say from what i remember you have like NO HAIR?! i was in shock because i do not remember seeing you with such short hair. As i am sure [coworker] will be gleefully willing to tell you i even mentioned to (mind you in a more of a drunk manor as i did speak to her that night later on which i do not remember so already you have one on top of her) to her. anyway i apologize for anything i may have said that could incriminate me, you, anyone i know or anyone i do not know because gawd knows what type of drama a drunk homo can cause!

kiskis hope to see you soon and actually retain the encounter.! -Jared


and his reply:


From: Russ
To: Jared
Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2006 5:38 pm
Subject: Re: Here...

Jared, My Darling..., you were a Saint and Jesus himself should make you an apostle.It was great to see you as well, and the funny thing is you have WAY MUCH MORE HAIR than I have ever seen you with. Be gentle to the bald men you encounter, what we lack on top, we certainly make up for below if you know what I mean...So when did you want to get together for some drinks? I am going to be away the 18th until the 26th. Now that I stroke wood 8 hours a day and get paid for it my evenings have become very free...Is your number still 604-xxx-xxxx? I am a 604-xxx-xxx.It was good to see you, still as sweet as ever. Is it also safe to say you DO NOT remember our conversation about your Nipples?Talk Soon, Love Russ XOXO


um we talked about my nipples?? gawd knows what was said since they are huge pamela 'pre-surgery' anderson nipples and like are huge. but anyway my favorite part of his reply is that jesus should make me an apostle. hah. i am gay russ so are you jesus hates us like mel hates jews my friend. but cute none the less. and he noticed my rats nest of a head of hair and i noticed his lack there of but i was not trying to imply that he was bald but it was shaved and he used to normally have normal length gay hair. if i pick on anyone going bald it is bitch.

can you tell i do not have much to say today.

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bitch and i at pride (pre-drink fest) and notice the bruise on my arm that was from bitch... pretty thug of him eh well it did not last long because a nice kidney shot and a throw down to the floor fixed the problem. it was actually sorta hot us fighting so we had sex after.

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