Friday, November 17, 2006

reiki water wagon

-so basically all of vancouver is being told not to drink the water because some storm the other day apparently has fucked up all the water reservoirs and shit and they say if you drink it you may suffer "gastrointestinal illnesses" which i think is meaning like shit for three days straight or something and then i am doing some thinking HEY THIS MAY NOT BE BAD because then i can get some deserved days off AND lose some weight but then i do other thinking thoughts about how i hate when i get gassy cramps from sicks stomachs and how you curl up in a little ball which does not do any helping of the situation and i remember being little and my mom yelling at me not to curl up and relax and i would yell you relax when it feels like there is a boulder moving in your intestines and she would say fine i was only trying to help and i would yell back it is not helping... a good fart would help but your words are not helping and then ya and i know now mother always knows best. so i guess i will not drink the water but it was tempting yo.

-not that i am trying to air dirty laundry or shit but last night bitch and i got into a bit of a fight and it resulted with me storming out and walking up commercial in the rain just wondering trying to clear my head of angry thoughts and stuff and then the weirdest thing happened which would only like happen on commercial but i was approached by these two people and they asked me if i had a moment and i was like :tear: yes and they asked me to cup my hands and hold them out and normally i would be like eff you but i was just so blah whatev that i obliged and then they told me to relax which was sorta funny given the situation and then they started to wave their hands and fingers around my cupped hands and i thought they were like seizuring or something but then i felt this weird pressure in my hands and heat and it reminded me of the rave days where we would do this to people who were fucked up on E and would believe anything you did to them because you at that moment were their bestestestestest friend but anyway they did this and they told me to concentrate on the heat and relax and i did and then they told me to press my hands together and to have the heat relax the rest of my body and i was like YALL CRAZY but i did not say that and it actually though did help and they said good night and gave me this slip to attend '
reiki' class so i guess that was what that was but it was weird timing and ya. boring i know but it screwed with my head like who were those people and how did they know i needed to relax because i was 100% tense and angry but after i was like only 50% tense and angry. thanks reiki.
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-tonight will be my first friday night of wagon riding sobriety so i can go into crapland tomorrow non-reeking-of-alcohol. i think i will paint tons instead. that is one thing about riding the wagon is that my brain is doing tons of creative thinking and i like it and i want to paint. who would have thunk...

-ps. before fight night bitch and i savored a filet mignon at the keg. it was fucking good. except when they asked if wanted bottle water since they could not serve water from the tap and we said yes they brought us a $8.00 bottle of evian water which i did not know was $8 i thought it was free due to water being fucked up and i did not know until the bill came but i was way to complacent to complain. fuckers.

-pps. oh ya.. i am a horrible brother... happy birthday christian. there my sibling duty on days of birth has now been completed.

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