Monday, May 29, 2006

whoring the internet breasts

-so i was like so close to mentioning whores in almost 3 posts consecutively but alas there was an iteruption due to the new found internet connection. so for good measure and also because i like to say it WHORE and PRESTIDIGITATION

EDIT: i just went back and ya i was not even close to mentioning whore in 3 posts in a row and i am not sure where i even got that idea. whores on the brain.

-so on saturday night i was like hey lets try and load my wireless card and i may seem like i am knowing what i am talking about but my knowledge of computers and networks and connections is limited and sporadic like my sex drive but anywayanyway i did so and i suddenly was getting signals from all these networks and some worked and some did not and the one that works the best is the one network that is called GAYBOIS and i can only pick the signal up on my bed. figures eh? so ya. it is slow because it is a weak signal but i pretend i am on some dial up bullshit and i am happy. free internet is free internet.

-oh on friday i went out with friend bucci and randy and julia and we went to the strippers and i have not been there since my brothers stag party but ya i went there and i was impressed with the flexible vag's out there that can do some pretty crazy things on poles and with glow in the dark paint and the foutain thing was neat too and at one point a private dancer came to our table and was like PRIVATE DANCE FOR YOU GENTELMEN and bucci laughed and was like YOU ARE TALKING TO A TABLE OF HOMOS and she like gave a blank look and was all pouty as if pouting would change our interest in her vagina and then says WELL I DO HAVE SPECTACULAR BREASTS and i was all like NO NO NO YOU ARE BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE?!? and she was like whatever and walked away. like listen whore (DING) because i am gay and i am not wanting to see you dance around me naked does not mean you can be a bitch.
but ya the beer was expensive and i was refusing to give any of them my 5 dollar bills so we left.
randy is german and was trying to teach me how to say bitch in german and it was something that sounded like WHORE and so i was like HEY BITCH YOUR NEW NAME IS WHORE and randy was like NO NO NO THAT IS NOT RIGHT and i said RANDY IT IS OKAY WHORE IS GERMAN and everyone laughed or at least i did and so did bitch so now bitch is BITCH WHORE in my phone.

speaking of bitch i went to his parents last night and they gave me a picture of him when he was little and cute.
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he was pretty cute in the pre-bitch whore days no?

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