Friday, January 26, 2007

sympathy credit sucking

-i was speaking very briefly to elizabeth on msn and she is not feeling well not so much whatsoever and when she was describing her head all congested like and stuff and how her nose and eyes are running and as she was saying well not saying as i was reading what she typed my eyes started to water all crazy like for no reason and i was like I AM HAVING SYMPATHY RUNS and then she had to go lie down. then out of boredom i was looking at my previous life and what is really weird but not really because i am sure people are sick and all runny gross like always somewhere in the world but i will make this to be like a SUPER CRAZY COINCIDENT ... i was sick exactly 5 years ago on this day... here is my post from January 26, 2002:
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-i am not so sure that i am all healthy right now. i have caught a cold. i do not think the word caught is a good word to use because when i think 'caught' i think of something i was after or chasing to get but a cold is definately not something i chase after. instead the cold was inflicted upon me by some mean germs i guess and now i am all runny like. my eyes and nose are having races to release the most fluid. i think right now my eyes are winning because they do not stop watering where as with my nose i can go SNNNNIFFIFCHIFHFH and it is not so runny anymore and that is usually when people yell BLOW YOUR NOSE!@! but it is easier to go SNNNNNIFIFIIFCHIFHICH!@#

this cold thing started yesterday morning when i woke up and i think yesterday morning was a very bad morning for me. i woke up with this big ol headache, one nostril completely plugged. i got up to get dressed and smashed my knee on my chair. i stumbled around to get dressed and actually did that and then i went outside to start my truck and then my truck made funny sounds. i was very angry with that because i just finished paying moneymoney for the truck to be fixed and now it was broken again. so i had to drive to the doctor of mechanical expertise to fix it and i said CAR DOCTOR MAN!!! YOU JUST HEALED T-RIDE AND NOW T-RIDE IS BROKEN AGAIN!@! FIX THIS!@> because i was not feeling well. so they fixed it and it was the belt or something. i am thinking though i should not be grumpy like with people who work on vehicles because they can do stuff that can make you have to bring it in again so you pay them more and they laugh at you because you are broke from being grumpy. sort of like a waiter thing... never be mean to them because they can 'accidently' spit in your food and you not know it and as you eat and go OOOH AND AAHHH they laugh knowing you are savoring mouth juice from them.

anyway anyway, then i was late for work because i had to wait for the doctor of mechanical expertise to fix the t-ride. so it was not a good morning. but as the day strecthed out it was all okay i guess. i liked it best when a lady from my bank called me. i became all worried like thinking they reviewed my account and said LOOK AT SPENDING HABITS!! DEAR LORD!@# TAKE PLASTIC MONEY AWAY!@>! but it was not like that instead a lady with a nice voice told me that i had good pay back habits (who would have thunk it) and they wanted to give me more PLASTIC MONEY!@# i asked how much and she said 1500 and i said OH and i guess she thought i was disappointed with 1500 but i was not i was shocked because i just was given 500 and then she said HOW ABOUT 2000>!? and i said NONONO because i will spend that on stuff i do not need and be stuck in a debt state so i said HOW ABOUT 1000 and she agreed. thank you BANK LADY!@#!# [mechanical laugh]
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crazy eh? i thought so... (i love that i was even more long winded back than too... and that was before the I AM A DRUNK lifestyle).
what i laugh about though when i am reading this stuff is that the bank part about the credit and i was like NONONO LADY DONT GIVE ME CREDIT well i wonder what happened to that frame of mind because hi shortly after they uped my limit to a HUGE limit which i loved especially when i 'realized' i was gay and was like PARTY ALL THE TIME PARTY ALL THE TIME all eddie murphy style and totally payed for everybody. hah. i am still licking my wound called a consolidation loan....

and ps- all of you still suck. i post more pictures of tango and not one reply. fuck you. people can post pictures of their dogs and cats and its all fucking OMG YOUR PET IS SO ADORABLE everywhere... i post pictures of my turtle and not one comment. you all suck or there is no 'you all'. i think that is the case. sorry.

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