Friday, February 29, 2008

unkink cho bush

-back in high school art class i was a creative little fucker. i would draw and sketch all the time and one term i had art the whole day which was heaven because then i would go out at lunch and get stoned and produce some of the best art and my teacher loved me and one time she gave me back my sketch book assignments and she gave me 99/100 and i asked what had i done wrong to lose the one mark from perfect and she says no one is perfect because everyone will always improve with their art if they keep practising needless to say i loved that women and she was the one to introduce me to salvador dali. anyway come graduation and then just life in general the creative flow just sorta stopped. i periodically will draw something here and there but nothing extreme. the odd idea to paint. then everything gets put away again for like 3 months because i am stumped mentally and i grab a drink which i can easily assume probably is the reasoning for the deadening creative'ness. i am not sure what has happened maybe because i have a rule of no drinking on weekdays nows but lately i have just been thinking of all these great things to produce in the art way and i am loving it. it is like when you were a kid and you would have the garden hose and your older brother would kink it so the water would stop coming out and then you would cry and cry until mom came out and scolded your brother and then let the kink go and the water just comes flying out again that is what it is like but in my head. and so i picked up the paint brush again in i do not know how many months and started small because i have some big ideas i need to bring to life... so i started with random animals because i am good at that.
its a teabag with eyes. because i put eyes on everything. surprise dawn. yes you will get this soon.

and this is one ..
is going to be the big brother of this guy, remember him.

at this rate i can think of having my own art show instead of just going to them. mind you i am getting all crazy and trying to paint lines behind everything to make it all coheesive (sp?) but bitch says i do not need to because the style is apparent but this is coming from the kid who asks me where his robe is and he is standing on it.

-have i mentioned we are going to margaret cho in march. i love her. actually for some reason alot of gay people do. omg i am gay mainstream now!@#!

-i want to keep growing my facial hair out to a big bush. but i can not because of work. professional + face bush = invalid equation. but i love face bush because it hides my bad skin. when the weather gets warmer or colder from seasons my skin does this dry scratchy bullshit thing and i hate it. sorry face bush. each time i read my typing of "face bush" i think facebook. dear lord. can you imagine a face book dedicated to unmanaged face bush?!?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

gum bomb

-so i had a dentist appointment yesterday in the afternoon because i do not like drilling in the morning in terms of dentist stuff and what i had in mind of what was going to be done to fix the tooth was completely way off because i pictured like rubber dams and some scrapping and drilling and smoothing and him saying BITEDOWN DOES IT FEEL EVEN and if i did not have a damn in my mouth i would be UM DENTIST MAN MY MOUTH IS 80% FROZEN HOW IN THE FUCK CAN I TELL IF MY BITE IS EVEN?!>?!? but instead i nod my head to make him happy like he has magical tooth shaping skills but no none of that just freezing then cutting and sewing of my gums and when i saw the thread come out i thought oh no he got me mixed up and he removed a tooth but no after gauze and gauze of blood and stitching and stuff he tells me that i broke the tooth below the gum line so he had to cut the gum down to smooth out the tooth from there etc etc etc and now i have this gumlooking shit on my teeth where he cut because it is like a mouth bandaid and it feels like there IS gum all over my teeth and i just want to pick it off and i am supposed to leave there as long as possible (to next friday) and to only brush one side of my mouth um gross.
and ya. so afterwards i went and bought myself a ds game to make myself feel better and it really did not work my mouth still hurts but now i am wildly entertained by bomberman land touch 2

and then bitch was like i know what will make you feel better
and he was right because he is my bitch and he knows how i roll.

-i woke up this morning at 530am and i could not get back to sleep so i got up and made coffee and watched big brother on youtube and then after watched the news and then read that people are dropping like flies in the bb house which is funny and still makes it the best season ever well the one season where the guy was like WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF I CUT YOUR THROAT to a girl he liked all seductively lindsey-vanessa style but got kicked off for being a freak but this season is still pretty good. then i kept watching the news this morning and when sports comes on the sportscaster keeps talking about hockey players who "have tweaked their groins" and i told bitch that i want to join hockey and tweak groins but then i sorta realized it was an injury and i wonder how people tweak groins i know how to tweak my groin but not in the hockey injury way of course. tweak groins. hah. hi grade 8 mentality.

ps-i changed my url because of reasons. note it.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

stress crack and pop

-i dislike this week so far. office = stress. come home relax. ooo starburst i will chew on this and then crack oh look a piece of my tooth decided to leave me. that is nice. i guess i have to call the dentist and get him to work through his lunch like he did 2 months ago and then when i say thank you dentist man for takng the time to fix my mouth he just walks away because he is apparently all about the warm and fuzzy feeling. i broke it 2 nights ago and i still have not called because i know i get speeches on crowns and stuff and well if he will be paying for each 700.00 crown they have quoted me then by all means lets do this but when i am living pay cheque to pay cheque due to loan madness i am thinking a skittle could fit in the hole nicely until july. mind you i know my tooth problem is nothing like rizzas wisdom pulling.

-then i woke up this morning and bitch had to work early so he was up and he said good morning and i said HGJKDALIYU COFFEE? and he said the coffee maker decided not work this morning and it does this thing where sometimes if you press on it is like fuck you and wont work and so i stared at it for a long time willing it to work and it would not so i got ghetto and boiled water and just poured it in slowly and made a cup of mean strong coffee and then as i am doing this the coffee maker is like CLUNK and then started to work. ridiculous.

-now i am sitting here thinking about all the work i have to do today, tomorrow, the next day and at this rate i will visit the office on the weekend.
i wish it was last weekend again where we went to an 'art show' and the bartender lady was a complete cow because i went up to her and said I WILL NOT GET ANGRY IF YOU POUR A COUPLE OF SHOTS IN FOR FREE and she said okay and then on slaught of drunk.

-but i guess it is not all that bad a client sent me flowers and i like orchids and i guess she knew so that was nice.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


-on saturday rizza and N went to whistler for the day and asked if i would watch mitzie and i said of course and now my blog will start looking like rizza's with pictures of mitzie all the time. suckers. notice the hairdo though i went for a haircut between all this.
aww..... MITZ!!!
then we just HAD to try the masks on...
leave it to bitch to turn walking the dog into vogue central
and then after we got some lunch

bitch and i agreed if we were ever to get a dog we would want it to be like mitzie because she is the sweetest and smartest and most loveablest dog. good parenting points to rizza and N. i am the new dog godfather and bitch is the godbitch.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

digging towards the reno love

-i love that jane fonda said cunt on tv and everyone is like WHOA YOU CANT SAY THAT which i understand you can not but it is still funny that she did not even flinch when saying but merideth had this look of OH MY GAWD but at the same time you can tell she wanted to high five the bitch. i do not like to say that word though because i think it is a vile sounding word not bad just vile sounding but if i do say it i say it with a K because it is not as vile.

-rizza not to gush about your child but i love your child as well and how can you not ya

-oh its valentines. bitch knows i can not stand this day so i surprised him with a tiffanys ring hahahah no no i am not an idiot i just bought him a 6 inch teddy bear from shoppers but he loves it none the less and i got nothing. love you bitch.

-i am in love with tv these days. not actual emotional love just absolute tie the rubber band around my arm because lost and big brother are amazing in that DO NOT BLINK until commercials way. i am proud to see big brother realized there are gay people out there that are not complete and total nelly fucking twinky fags or just obnoxious fat flamboyant balding people. and lost... i do not know where to begin. and then my week will get even better because top model is starting because i am a total nelly fucking twinky fag inside that loves that show too.

-i am planning a trip in april to florida. fort lauderdale. sunshine. then in august i am nurturing my microscopic gambling addiction that i got from my mother along with her fucking things and going to reno with ma and pa and bitch. i mean 99cent breakfasts and keno all at the same table. hello. i know people think RENO??? yes reno because i can not afford vegas because vegas is expensive and overwhelming. and i know reno inside and out since i have been going since i was 14 when my mom would want to go but dad would be all I AM BUSY DEAR and then next thing you know it i am on a plane going with her to keep her company but i would not really keep her company because i would hang out in the arcades and only see her when we went to eat or if i needed more quarters. whoa i am going into memory lane and when i was 16 and went she promised when i turned 21 she would take me again and she did and this is from when i turned 21 and she held good to her promise and i got drunk and SUPER sunburnt(notice pink skin) and i had to sit in a tub of cold water and shiver to feel better. ahh reno.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

whistling all the way off the auto-men

-on the weekend i joined bucci caspar and justin to whistler to do a get the fuck out of dodge trip and so we went and no not because it was fag central up there this weekend it was what do they call winter pride or something but we just hung out in the condo for most of the time except to get food and booze and it was fun and there was alot of snow thanks bucci not for the snow but thanks for having us and on the first night we drank. and then bucci claims i fell off the footstool or autimen and i am convinced he pushed me off and i just do not remember

the whistler guide for hipsters or losers
see gay signs
see gays. i know they are gays because they are my friends.
see told you they were gay.
my drunken salad
then i borrowed buccis head lamp because i thought it was great.
oh hi sepia
oh hi justin
then bucci chopped wood and i took tons of pictures of it. but i will not show them all.
the money split shot

oh and on the friday night we decided after drinking beer champagne vodka goldschlawger wine (red and white) to go rip the mats off the bottom of the slopes and slide down them and then i got a sudden drunk panic attack in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night as we were heading to get the mats and i was like WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE I AM WITH WHO ARE WALKING AHEAD OF ME and i totally stopped where i was and started yelling I CAN NOT GO WITH YOU WHO ARE YOU WHAT ARE WE DOING I NEED TO GO and bucci was like what the hell and said fuck a couple of times to me but when he walked up and i saw i was with people i knew and not going to get lost in the forest in snow on whistler and die then i was fine and was like HEY BUCCI OH ITS YOU I AM FINE LETS GO and we did and then i do not remember the night but they said after we went back and drank more for like 3 hours and I WAS AWAKE and i actually contributed to conversations and they said i was funny.

it was fun. there are tons of pictures but they are all of me caspar justin and bucci and a lot of them are blurry which sort of represents how we all viewed the weekend.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

video interlude - a MAN from earls

-bitch took a lot of video saturday night. he thinks he is tmz. i swear. he interviews elizabeth...

and then bitch runs into some lady while trying to show off his D&G jeans he got for like 5 dollars at value village and elizabeth is marreid and told the lady to fucking relax. hah.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

video interlude - program conversation

-elizabeth and N got married. it was special and i cried. i will show pictures later. after in the evening we met up for they just got married drinks. here elizabeth and i conversate as programmers and i laugh everytime i watch this because i think it is funny.

that is all for now. i will talk later okay.