Monday, December 24, 2007

christmas eve and knowledge of anger

-okay so i have been reading the daring book for girls and this book is amazing. it is filled with information that apparently girls do not know and surprise i do not know like how to put your hair up with a pencil and 5 basic karate chops. the best.
like seriously. anyway after reading some of this bicth me and tanya got so excited we had to go drink mind you bitch is still sick and he is being one fucking grumpy prick. so when we were sitting there and he was like mumblemumblemumble i wanna go home and so i said go home and he did. it was super easy. so tanya and i stayed behind and i talked spanish with some bum who just wanted a cerveza but i was like no hablo espanol para muy puqito or something and he then would start rattling off more spanish and i was like NO COMPRENDE because he was making me nervous. poor spanish guy. just wanted a beer. too bad he was asking the biggest selfish lush around.
and while bitch was still in our company i was like lets do the three faces of anger (i do not know it was the b52's talking)
moral of the story. tanya is a retarded angry person.

then tanya was like look scared and i pictured her angry face again...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

worst girls disorder

-this week has been hell. not hell like buring type hell just hell in the sense that it was emotional and stressful and just non stop but it is over and i am off until the 27th which is good so i did what every self respecting drunk would do... got drunk. and opened presents and we had the chinese gift exchange or whatever its called i am not sure why is it chinese because you steal gifts from people and then anyway i feel racist now but ya i ended up with the daring book for girls and it is the fucking best book ever. tote girl. loves it more than you can know. thanks dirk even though you had no idea who was going to get it but it got to the greatest girl goddamn. the party was fun. thanks tyler. i look forward to the 6th annual christmas dorchester chinese gift exchange party.

-at the party last night i was talking with justin and i mentioned how i had to watch a youtube video on how to tie a tie and he was like here i will show you a double windsor knot or something i do not know but anyway so he shows me and when he was adjusting the tie his hand kept jittering and i was like HOLY DO YOU HAVE PARKINSONS OR SOMETHING really loud and he looks at me with the wide eye look like OMG type wide eye look and he is like NO BUT SHE DOES in a whisper pointing to this chick that i never met there and i was the horribly embarrassed she did not look at me but i slinked away because justin was like go sit down so she wont look at you and i did and spent the half the night avoiding her and at the end of the night it turns out she actually had MS not parkinsons. thanks justin for ruining my night. jeesh.

-oh the important thing. bitch totally spilt juice all over my fucking laptop and it died. like totally died. so we went out and bought a new one. her name is lima. everyone is like you should have bought a mac and i like fuck off i do not care yes i know they are better but they do not work with my work program so fuck off.
that is lima. she works well.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

pictoral non-interlude of trees and me

-i have been quiet lately because when you are at work for 12 hours a day working your ass off to get people to the places they want to go at christmas time and when you come home the last thing you want to do is touch a computer unless it is strictly for masturbatory reasons which you know happens right like rubbing one off after a day of hard work and the other is still working what to do that is right hello hand. gorgeeeeeous.

-friday night was skwirls christmas tree party. bitch and i went and i totally sported my houndstooth vest again because it the newest piece of clothing that i love and well is the newest piece of clothing and i will buy something and love it to its fullest extent and then discard and by discard i mean keep in my closet forever ever and when i am putting a thrift bag of my clothes together to give away it is that one item i am like NAH I WILL WEAR THAT AGAIN SOME DAY but never do but i have not reached that point yet with the houndstooth. lucky you. anyway it was fun. we had champ-agne and wine and good food and skwirl told everyone that she was starting her new job on monday which means nothing to you and that is okay there is whole long story to that but anyway when she told everybody we were like YAYAAYAAYYY because good for her. no she isnt retarded or anything just a bad string of luck. no more. good for you skwirl-bean.
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counting past three is hard
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i wanna slap the bitch for pushing skwirls face but it is still a good picture
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-in the christmas mood of things i hope you do not own a blackberry and exit an elevator in front of me while using your thumb to scroll you know that thing blackberry owners do that scrollscroll thing where they need to email everyone all the time type thing and when they leave the elevator they just keep walking head down scrollingscrolling not paying attention i am going to start smacking peoples blackberrys into their chins like HELLO MCFLY just to see how far i get before i have to run and scream before getting punched out.
merry christmas. this is our christmas card. love you.
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Sunday, December 02, 2007

pictoral interlude - friday pull

-on friday night bitch and i went to some going away party for a co worker of his and so we did that at some pub that had really expensive beer and so i told elizabeth to come and hang out too and so her and nick did but some guy was totally creeping bitch and i out and we were bothered so as soon as they showed up we left and went to another place that is right below a hostel so it made for an interesting people viewing spot but after some drinks we did not care about people except us and pull tabs. and more pull tabs. lots of pull tabs. we paid about 15 dollars of our bill in pull tabs never mind that we spent 40 but at least it was a return of some sort ya. and special mention goes to elizabeths hair. after some finger teasing it was the best.
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the madness starts...
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holy blue eyes batman
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it was so funny bitch tried getting a hoo hoo shot right and each time he tried the pole was always in the way and he was like SAVED BY THE POLE!@#! it was funny honestly.
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at this point you can tell nick just does not care anymore about pull tabs. hah./
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when i get drunk i am fascinated with boobs. ::shrugs::
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