Monday, April 23, 2007

identify the dumpster fags

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-bitch and i went to granville island so he can take some photography and anyway as we were walking i found this bin behind a wood crafty type store and they were having a garbage full of perfect wood to paint it was like a bin that said FREE POOR ARTIST CANVAS so i jumped in. bitch caught this on camera. i do not know but something makes me look good in that shot. maybe i am destined to dumpster dive. anyway all not really important i just needed to cater to my self absorbedness and justify posting a picture of me.

-so i got bitchs new id in via courier today. i do not want to even give it to him until we are boarding the plane.... if he loses it again before we even leave i will break up with him. this i promise.

-on the weekend we went out to some gay places and when i say gay i am not meaning OH THEY SUCKED THEY WERE SO BORING IT WAS GAY i mean like gay places and they sucked. we got kicked out for some reason something about the bartender being a fag but ya anyway when i was getting kicked out i saw some guy i used to party with and i was all OH HEY and he was the one kicking me out. asshole. i hate going to gay clubs/bars and shit. they are all homos.

-i played with tango on the weekend well not played but brought her out and placed her on a towel and the 'playing' consisted of me making sure tango did not run off the towel. then she was totally running in my hands it was cute in the oh she hates me and is trying to escape type way. i want her to get used to me so when she is bigger and huge and whatnot she will not rip my face off.

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