Tuesday, June 26, 2007

mucus weather cabin

-okayokayokay i am starting to get really pissed with the weather here and i know i shouldnt because hello i live in bc but it is still pissing me off and i know people are like well be thankful that that is all that is pissing you off and yes thank you you pretentious pricks i am thankful however i am still pissed that this weather is so fucking shitty where i wake up and i need blankets all crazy like and then the next morning i have to throw the covers off cause its too warm already and i am sure that is doing wonders on my immune system where in my office our accountman decides he likes to blow his fucking nose in the kitchen sink with his hands and its loud and fucking gross if you ask me but i dont even have the balls to go talk to accountman and the etiquette of blowing your nose when you are sick so i just dont really use the sink at all. so ya the weather is pissing me off...

-i was riding home on the bus the other day and that is not news i know but when we were on hastings the traffic was ass slow and it was okay i was reading my book called i know this much is true by wally lamb and its totally an oprah book club book but i got it cause it is about some mental twin brother and in the first page i saw the word sacrifice and it caught my attention and plus it was on sale but when i took it to mexico to read bitch hid it on me because on the first day i was reading it and it talks about his mom dying of cancer and i cried because i am a bit of a pussy like that and bitch was like STOP READING THAT YOURE ON VACATION and hid it but anywayanyway on the bus i was just like whatev and the bus driver man yells DONT ANYBODY LOOK TO THE LEFT so basically saying everybody look to your left and we all did and there was a dead body on the sidewalk with a tarp over it and then everybody was like SHRUG and sat back down and looked straight again and i laughed at how nobody really was surprised that they just saw a dead body under a tarp on hastings street and continued to read. it made me sorta like HUH thats fucked but anyway.

-i am going to whistler this weekend and i am looking forward to it because back to paragraph 1 the weather is pissing me off and i am not doing anything much on the weekends and this will be a nice get away with about 10 friends and i am going to pretend its big brother and its a cabin full of homos plus one girl and she is the responsible decision maker and my only goal is to not drown in the hot tub. seriously. people have to bring board games and food and all this other crap and my assigned objective was to not fall alseep in the hot tub and drown. i love it. i am also excited because that means i can take more pictures to put on facebook and tag people. i have to mention facebook everytime. i will too. seriously. i check facebook before my email. fucking pathetic.

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