Friday, June 29, 2007

programmable flight painting

-so people meet the thing that has had the biggest amount of intimidation on me since october last year when i was asked by friends to paint them something i said sure and what they had in mind was something 6 feet by 3 feet and i was like OH MY GAWD since i have never painted anything that big so i started and it has taken me forever because i am overly anal over the little flaws and finally i just said i cant be so anal and just finished it off and that is what it is. it only took me 8 months mind you probably 6 of those were just me stressing over how am i going to ever finish this thing. i get to give possession on tuesday. phew.

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-yesterday was an awesome day not because i finally got paid which seemed forever and day because you know when you become broke and then its like everyday that goes by is like OH FUCK and then you get paid and you are like finally but then you pay the bills/rent/bus pass/etc and you are sorta like back where you started but anywayanyway i found out i won two roundtrip tickets to anywhere westjet flies in the continental US. so YELLO. i am excited because i am thinking florida sounds nice. actually it sounds very nice. for free. yes that sounds nice.

-in other news i am leaving for whistler tomorrow. that is exciting. i am bringing scrabble. i like scrabble and drinking. i like those two alot.

-yesterday i programmed the word 'facebook' into my cell phone so when i text i dont always have to spell it out. the saga continues...

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