Wednesday, October 18, 2006

pathetically loving loss

-so um ya last weekend like sucked. at the end of it i went to a friends house to pick up something and i lost my phone on the bike ride back so i had to beg bitch to let me put a new cell phone on his future shop card because i had no money and finally he said yes and now i have a nice new phone that now even takes pictures but i really do not care about that because i have a camera as is but i am guessing this will come in handy when i encounter this one guy i see on the bus and i so happen to always sit across from him and he has a huge bulge that almost looks fake and i want to show people but now i can photograph it randomly and he wont know... oh actually i am liking the sounds of secret camera phones.

-wednesdays are my most favoritest non-drinking days ever because well let me re-phrase that it is not that i am not drinking on wednesdays because hi but i mean like it is not a friday or a saturday which are by default drinking days but i got lost there so never mind but what i am trying to say is i like wednesdays for tv on wednesdays. i know pathetic. first off top model is on and like every other fag and chicky-poo out there i am a devoted fan because well i do not know why but i am. then after top model is lost and i love that show even more and i sit there yelling LIKE WHAT IS GOING ON... WHY... I DONT GET IT ::sip sip wine sip sip:: WHAAAATTTT!??!? ... again i am not sure why because sometimes it is super slow moving in terms of plot but it is neat the concept but i dont get why if people did crash on an island there is not more sex going on like HELLO you have been stranded on an island for 2 months or so and yet no scenes of masturbation, copulation or ejaculation (oh my!).... like who are the writers of this show... nerdy prudes who still do not know that they can pull down their foreskins that is who.

-ummm i just got a call from some guy name HUSANE (sp?) from my bank and they love me and they like super love my plastic money habits and by habits i mean lets pay minimum payment and then take it off again and i no longer have a crazy credit limit like i did when i was 21 (hello $10,000 is not good for a 21 year old to posess because hello $14,000 consolidation loan to follow) so it is not that bad but HUSANE is wanting to express their appreciation of my bad spending habits and show me more credit love and up my limit and i said no. good thing because then tonight would have turned into a drunken tv show fest where i do shots of random expensive liquors during every commerical break and then i would not be able to remember any of the shows and i would be sad tomorrow morning with no memory of my favorite shows plus a headache stinking like alcohol so no thank you HUSANE ... i will keep my plastic money as is.

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