Friday, April 11, 2008

rehab'ing 4 real

-when people have asked me what i am doing this weekend i keep saying rehab and i am not getting the response i want. instead i am getting the "oh yeah..." not the OMG REALLY I DID NOT REALIZE YOU HAD A PROBLEM but instead with the oh yeah's its like people know i have a problem and are like WHAT TOOK HIM SO LONG is what i know what they are actually thinking you assholes. but ya i am not going to a real rehab just a fake rehab to get fuckered. end story. rizza you can tote come for sure next time. let me know how tofino is though. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY (for the 14th)!@#$!

-i am steering away from work i do not know why i am just not feeling it today i guess and i came across pictures of bitch and i in disneyland from last june
look he had normal hair. he is getting his hair cut today and i said what are you doing to it and (rizza youll love this) he said "I HAVE A PLAN!" ok ok i know you have a plan but if that ski slope of a hairdo continues i have a plan of singledom. speaking of bitch and i will be celebrating (is that the right word for the occasion) 4 YEARS together. my gawd. i laugh because before i met bitch i went on a string of dates that i just kept putting out 1st date style and never get calls back and i do not know how to analyze that but anyway so when i went on a date with bitch my friend mr lea was like DONT PUT OUT so i did not and the rest is history. stupid experiment. love u bitch.

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