Wednesday, July 09, 2008

trail weight

-last weekend i think or this may have been from the long weekend which was or wasnt last weekend we went to some place in north vancouver and it was okay but it was hot and i wanted to swim and bitch said he knew where he was going so shari and i were like sweet lets swim somewhere and when bitch finally got us there after walking steps it was a creek filled with people and you couldnt really swim so we sat and watched people jumping into the water and then we left it was lame i would like to go again and have that creek to myself. just me. maybe one other person but that is a maybe.
for those wondering the rating was at yellow or orange i dont know...

those are pictures from bicthes camera but i got a call from the filipino lady at the camera shop and my camera is already fixed but i can only get in there on saturday omg i can not wait.

-i am watching the news as i type this and they are talking about some apartment fire and they spoke to this old guy and he was saying something and all i caught was " the time they got here it was already licking the rim of the balcony!" and i sorta chuckled and was like i have done that before and realized he was talking about the fire licking the rim OF not on the balcony but it was a funny early morning mental chuckle of the whorey days.

-healthblogentry um ran more, i have put dumbells by the toilet so when one is sitting there pinching one off they can tone biceps. i have traded potato chips in for edamame, ice cream for yogurt and my everloved sourdough for flax and sunflower seed bread. seriously bitch is like WHO ARE YOU and i said I WANT TO BE NON LOVE HANDELIZED no really i am not that fat i just dont like the slight jiggle that goes on when i walk and when i was looking at pictures of vegas by the pool i had the total man-tit-fat-fold which bothers me madly. i will fix myself. i almost bought a ds game called my weightloss coach but i was then like how embarassing to take that up to the cashier who is this little fucking punk that i couldnt care less about but not even CAN I GET A GIFT RECEIPT FOR THIS would help take the OMG out of me buying that in public but whatev... hi amazon.

-i get to train a new person in the office today... fun. and then when that person screws up the first thing out of their mouth was I WAS NEVER TOLD ABOUT THAT when i told that person several times and then i hate the person. my boss has a good feeling about the new one though... we shall see.

-8 days left and 4 years of 15,000 dollars in debt ends. you can not guess what that feels like. unless you have been in the same situation.

hahah tranya. i made her mad on the weekend and she hated me for a good couple of days she may still hate me but i said sorry but she may be one of those bitches that holds on to things all internally and loathes and plots bad things. we shall see.

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