Wednesday, July 02, 2008

turning of the picturesque running tides

-so if i had a camera i would take pictures of how bitch completely changed around our apartment and it is now really open and sorta separated at the same time and i like it it is a change but i can not understand where bitch got the energy to do this at 11:30pm on saturday night but he gets like this where suddenly he is all cleaning everything and goes from room to room and keeps cleaning and then when he is done complains that i did not help and i always say you never asked for help and he says it would be nice if i just offered to help him but then i always say but i did not feel like cleaning so if i did not feel like cleaning then why would i offer to assist in said cleaning and then it blows into a huge fight and divorce. not really but it can at times.

-oh wait I JUST WON A CAMERA from westjet!#$%!#$! at least now i do not have to rush to get my other ones fixed but i should have the new one in about 2 weeks. thats twice i have won stuff from westjet but i learneded after last time do not even bother with the flight prizes because they will route you through fucking halifax to get to vegas well not really we had to go via edmonton but still dumb so i just kept entering for the camera and won. good for me.

-to further the whole salad thing i went and bought runners on friday and i have actually gone running twice now but did not yesterday because my thighs were still rolling around in agony from the two days of abuse i dealt them but i like running and breathing hard and then being like FUCK I AM OUT OF SHAPE and walk and then walk and head to the beer and wine store.

-i got to meet some of bitch's family last night at his moms i met his aunt (x2) and uncle (x2) and cousin and we sat and watched the canada day fire works and ate and i love his aunt carol she is totally fun and likes drinking so we laughed the whole night and she told bitch she loves me so we are going to visit them in penticton during the summer to continue the drinking and laughing and then when we left his parents place last night we hoped onto the skytrain and we did not know but they were planning on shutting down the train earlier than normal and so we got stuck in new west and i had to call my dad again to come pick me up i am waiting for him to submit an invoice to me for all the late night COMERESCUEMEFATHER calls.

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