Monday, July 10, 2006

60 tons of italians

-so um ya living on commericial is great because you have like all these different nationalities all combined on one street but thanks to a world cup game i never realized how many italians there are and they are fucking crazy about their soccer or football which makes sense to call because you are footing the ball where as in northamerican football you really are not footing the ball except for a field goal but anyway italians are nutz. bitch and i watched the last bit of the game to watch all the soccer men take their clothes off when whoever won and it was soooooo dissapointing to see NO shirts off... i was like WTF so we were like lets go to commericial and check out the italian men and we went and it was insane and people were happy crazy not LETS DESTROY SHIT crazy so that was nice. some of the soccer enthusiastical men were hot and i saw this one van load of hot italian fans drive and yelled ITALIA to some girls in front of us and the girls went ITALIA back and the guys then told the girls to come over to the van and they did and they so made out and i was like WHAT so i started to yell ITALIA but the light changed and the guys and girls dislodged their faces from eachother and had to seperate leaving me no time for some random stanger italian make out session. fucking bitches. i have tons of pictures it was crazy and i will post them later.

-after the italian madness (which thank you very much continued on till like 3am with cars honking YES YES WE KNOW ITALIA GO TO SLEEP!) i went to randy and bucci's for a bbq and it was good and i found my alcoholic beer of choice from now on its is Molsons Black Label SUPREME... who knew there was beer called SUPREME and i looked at the % and it was a wopping 8%!!! and it was same price for a regular six pack. i mean it does not taste hot or anything but after one you are like WHO CARES. it was good but then i tried to ride my bmx back home and most of the time i will ride it on the rode but at one point the road was really busy and i was all like I DONT LIKE THIS so i went to the sidewalk for a block or so and some guy opend a gate and i heard it but i could not tell where it was coming from and suddenly a huge like fucking horse of a dog (great dane i am thinking cause this thing was HUGE!!!) came right in front of me and i did that face thing like OH NO and swerved and so almost bailed but i didnt and i heard the guy yell sorry but i was still too busy going HOLY SHIT THAT WAS CLOSE to say no worries but that was nice he yelled sorry because most assholes would be like RIDE ON THE STREET which normally i agree but that moment cars were scaring me. bucci is going to start a t-shirt company and i am asking to be a guest designer because i have always wanted to do that too. he said yes. i was like YESSS....!!! will let you know of progress...

-i have sad news. there was a death and it was of our free internet so who ever owned the 'linksys' network that gave us free internet/....fuck you and your network key bitch! now it is back to the unreliable free connection from the 'gaybois'. sigh.

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