Thursday, July 20, 2006

top itches picturing the past

-so when it was bitchs birthday i was trying to look for this one picture that was taken when we first started going out which in my opinion is THE PICTURE but i could not find it and i resorted to THE PICTURE #2 and i was sad that i could not find THE PICTURE but this morning i did on some random email in my yahoo account from like years ago.
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do you not want to punch yourself in the face that is so adorable. i love it. mind you all my friends say i look like i am sleeping which is perfect because i sleep alot so hello it is perfect. but for the record i was not sleeping i was trying to convey the sensual type look or the come fuck me look i get confused on those two.

-the stitches on my head are itchy and i want to scratch but i do have more restraint than that so i do not but i guess when i sleep i have rubbed it because i wake up in the morning and they are hurting and i am like WHAT THE FUCK and i then get all paranoid that bitch is playing with them while i sleep to get back at me for whatever reason but then i am like no he is not that smart to seek revenge while i slumber so i am guessing my nocternal slumbering self has no restraint and goes at them. i hope it does not delay the removal of the sticthes because i need a haircut. in the mornings when i am trying to do my hair it goes PUFF because i have thick hair and it does not go flat so what i have to do is wash it carefully and then i put a hat or toque on and let it sit and that flattens it and i cant really style it because you are unable to style shag carpet people so i am looking forward to next tuesday.

-um hi good for you andrea for winning top model because i knew you would win and not the retarded asian who sounded like she was eating marbles when she talked like last night during the commerical shoot and she said "so how many makeups have you tried" and with her accent and inability to announciate i could have sworn she said "so how many niggaz have you tried" and i lifted my head because i was working on my next masterpeice and was like WHAT THE HELL DID SHE JUST SAY and then she repeated and i was like OHHHH MAKE UP i thought she was all of a sudden street or something RICHMOND STYLEE! but anyway good for andrea and i so know she is going to go home and go to all the people that called her ugly when she was young and be like EAT SHIT FUCKERS WHOS GOT $100,00 NOW!!!?!?! good for her. i would too.

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