Friday, July 07, 2006

folk ass

-i have had not much to say but i probably have but i may have not had time to do anything about it and when i have i try to log in on the net at home but the connection is not there so i am like whatev and i go and do something else forgetting any possible witty things i might have had to say. not meaning that i have something witty to say now it is just that i am bored and need to do something because i am tired of looking at air fares. so um ya.
last weekend i met up with friend tyler and he is someone i have not seen in ages and it was good to see him but he started in on why i used to drink so much (used to???) and maybe i was unhappy and maybe i should plan for being unhappy in the future and make sure i do not take that route and blah blah and then he proceeds to tell me how he got violently ill at the afterhours the night before due to 'consumption' and puked on people i was like SHUT UP TYLER. anyway we went back to his place because he is this budding comic strip person and he wanted to show me comic strips hes been doing and i made mention about bikes randomly and how i asked bitch for bmx for my birthday and tyler was like I HAVE ONE YOU CAN HAVE so he totally gave me a bmx style bike and the only condition is i give it back to him next summer so he can use it for burning man and i was all TOTE BECAUSE BY THEN I WILL HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY A BETTER ONE THEN THIS and then i followed that with THANK YOU TYLER LOVE. anywayanyway i rode it from his house to my place and that was a good 20 minute bike ride and i have not ridden one in ages and my ass hurt so bad from the seat. it hurt something fierce. but i love the bike.

-next weekend is folk festival time. i love it. i am excited. folk fest is fun. if you live in vancouver i urge you to come check it out and do not have some pre-conceived notions that it is all hippies and songs about flowers and shit because it is not it is somewhere where you can hear the most eclectic music from hip hop to reggae to traditional african to traditional native throat singing which is incredible by the way. i have seen fiest, tegan and sara, bruce cockburn, ani difranco, and tons more of talent. my favorite is always the slam poetry and after i hear all of the poetry i think that i am master poet myself and make mad rhymes yo and i tell myself i will be up on stage next year and then i forget come the monday. but it is always a delightful time.
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