Thursday, February 23, 2006

transfering bile by bus

-since i am hating metrotown and all the lil underage asian tweens that do not pick up their feet when they walk and wear those i-know-this-is-blatently-a-fake-gucci-fanny-pack-that-i-picked-up-at-the-night-market-but-i-think-it-still-makes-me-look-cool-with-my-blond-long-girly-bangs-and-shaved-head and not that i am hating on them i am just driven crazy seeing these twelve year olds walk around like they are packing heat or even a big penis but we know they do not pack either of those, all they are packing is mommy's credit card but this is starting to become almost sounding racial and i am not trying for it to sound that way and trust me if i saw a white kid looking like that i would make fun of him too. but anywayanyway since i dispise metrotown i am going to pacific centre to see if i can transfer. i tried this before christmas but for whatever reason i got denied so i am going to go ask again and i know manager lady just came back from a long trip so with that knowledge i am going to be all OH HEY I HEAR YOU JUST CAME BACK FROM LONG VACATION WHERE DID YOU GO? HOW WAS THE FOOD? LOOKS LIKE YOU ENJOYED IT? DO YOU WORK OUT? YOU SHOULD! and see if i can transfer.

i also want a transfer because i dispise riding the skytrain at 11 at night. not that i am all scared i just can not stand the people on the train. there was this lady who decided to sit by me one night and her breath was that of reeking vomit. i almost puked in her lap. after one stop i had to get up and move towards the door and it cool because the next stop was mine. well lady-puke-breath got up and stood behind me and breatheded in my direction and her vomit breath was bouncing off the door and coming at me. i turned and walked away to the other door. she stared at me like WHAT DO I SMELL and i felt like saying LADY YOU HAVE THE ABSOLUTE WORST FUCKING BREATH I HAVE SMELT but that might engage in a exchange of words and i could not handle her breath another second. i go to my bus stop. guess who is waiting for the same bus. i walked home...
so ya... pacific centre would be better.

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