Monday, August 07, 2006

actually painting the gay dance

-so i did goto the fucking pride parade and i think they must have jacked up the prize money for best float or something because this year there was actually some effort put forth to them because normally they have like a flat bed truck with a bucnh of guys dancing who are still high form the night before in booty shorts with a piece of ribbon but this year there were some actually neat ones. there were two moments that actually made me go that is funny or that was cool. actually. yes. there was one point where this line of fags stood in front of the fire fighter people in the parade and soaked them with their water guns and the fire fighter people turned the hoses on them it was actually funny. then there was this old guy who just kept dancing up on top of the 7-11 and my friend bucci says i should so send it in to 7-11 as marketing but he thinks everything is marketing material. even me for alcoholism. yay me. actually is the word of the day because i was actually surprised at the effort this year. so my rant the other day is still warranted because there were gross fags around but you can not stop that.

-i have been painting and bitch is getting angry because i am just giving them away and i am like this is how you become famous so someone will see the painting somewhere and they will be like WHO PAINTED THAT and they will say THIS AMAZING GUY NAMED JARED AND HE GAVE IT TO ME and then that person questioning the origin of the painting will contact me and be like can i have a painting and i will be like SINCE YOU ASKED FOR YOU IT WILL COST 3000 DOLLARS and they will pay it and there will be scandal and everything. not really but in my mind it works
here is one that i just gave away. yes i like painting personified looking comical looking flowers with engorged appandages.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
and this is another one i am giving away.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

oh and oh and CLICK HERE to see the dancing guy on 7-11. he is awesome and i see my future in him. or you do not have to click if you can see the embededed version below. i am going to the beach now and drink and watch naked people. oh by the way i have internet connection again at home in my bedroom on the corner of my bed. that is the only place i can get it. thend.

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