Tuesday, August 01, 2006

hoes in london

-saturday i worked and was totally done with the day. sunday i was to goto homopolooza which was some gay thing for gays and beer which sounded up my alley or something but i did not end up going. all i did sunday was nothing. well not nothing i played grand theft auto all fucking day because i am sad like that. it was disgusting. i did take breaks to paint and drink and watch the marathon of what not to wear because simply i love this bitch...
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she is not super attractive or anything and sometimes she says things to people and i am like well that was stupid but i know deep down that she is a dirty kinky bitch. i bet she has fellatio mastered like the best of them and she prolly has the dirtiest mouth around and not to mention she slams back martinis. i know she does. not know as in like fact but know as like i am positive she does type i know. she is my sidekick in my fantasy world. no clinton though... hes just competition. i want to party with her and critique people and she will say SHUT UP or HELLO BONJOOR things which is soo funny because she can not even pronounce it properly but whatever ms. london i aint mad at you.

anyway after my small bouts of what not to wear i would go back to playing grand theft auto and i stole a car from a pimp and i was able to do 'PIMP MODE' where i drove around and picked up girls and dropped them off and sometimes my ladies customers would get rough because they thought MY LADIES gave them crabs. nuh uh not my ladies my ladies are clean y'all so i had to go cap the mutherfucka in da head for getting rough wit m'girlz. all the time m'gurlfren denise keeps callin me while i'm in da middle of gang warz n shit sayin that i dont see her nuff so i have decided i'm gonna drop that bitch cause gurl is high muthafuckin maintence dawg....
...i can see the line of reality and gta becoming blurred... so blurred and i love it.
all of that could have been avoided if my friends did not lose their phones or at least give me that shit ass excuse as to why they never called me sunday to go out as planned. whatever though i prefer my imaginary hoes and cheap beer to tons of fags and pricey beer.

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