Monday, January 30, 2006

ray-dee-ayshun nothingness

-so normally when i walk into the office on monday mornings bosslady is all like HOW WAS YOUR WEEKEND MISSY?!? and i usually then go into a big long description about some crazy ass event like bitch losing his wallet 3 times in a weekend, encounters with building man rich, or about how knives got waved around in my face but today when i did the walking in hello all i said was I DID NOTHING THIS WEEKEND and she was all shocked that i did not have any story to tell her about and she almost look saddened or unless she has cramps but i do not know.

but honestly i did nothing. i slept friday night away.
saturday i did some working at GAPland and then came home had a beer and fell asleep and then sunday the mother unit came out with a new microwave for bitch and i and it is perfect because we had a real shitty one before that had this broken door ejector and i always would not stand in the kitchen when it was going because i just envisioned radiation pouring out of the hole and the thing would only make half assed bags of popcorn and i would get so upset with the stupid microwave because i know the radiation that leaked out could have helped make a better bag of popcorn but all i was getting was seeds and probably the beginning of tumor but this one allowed all the seeds to pop because it is a beautiful microwave. when she left i drank and fell asleep again. then bitch came home from work and i made some mean deep fried perogies because that is what i do i deep fry anything these days if i could i would deep fry sex but something about sever burns turns me off that idea anywayanyway we got stoned and i fell asleep totally forgetting to iron and shave so i had to wake up early this morning and so my alarm went off at 5:25am and bitch was all YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME and i ignored him and made coffee. i hate ironing in the morning.

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