Wednesday, April 19, 2006

dripping gaps

-i have the worst nasal drip going on and it is making me feel sick and i am sitting here talking to clients and then suddenly it is like KURPLOOSH in the back of my throat and i am like HAACCKK sorry about that and the client is all like UH HUH. it is so not sexy right now.

-the good thing about dating someone who works at clothing store that is not GAP is that you get clothes that are not GAP and is always a nice surprise because then the first thing i think when i see the new items are SWEET NOW I DO NOT NEED TO WEAR GAP ALL THE TIME and ya. bitch bought me this new hoodie which i totally love because it is brown and has these weird stick figures or something on it and i think he bought it because i am all about painting stick figures and also because i keep wearing this one hoodie of his that is from zara and i keep wearing it because it is not fucking gap and it is comfortable. you may ask why do you wear all gap well it is something that happens when you work for the company for like half a cats year and you get 50% off clothes so it is hard to buy regular priced clothes because you scoff at a pair of jeans for like 60 bucks. its sorta stupid. he also bought me another pair of sunglasses for hawaii i am seriously having enough pairs to wear a different pair each day i am in hawaii. how exciting i will be know as 'one of those fags in room ___ how has a HUGE collection of sunglasses'.

-have i mentioned that i am going to hawaii. i am in like 16 days and counting. great news eh? just in case you did not know.

-i was going to write more but i am seeing this thing saying scheduled maintence and i do not want to get cut off and find the post completely gone half way through because that makes me soo angry even if the post is stupid about gap clothes i dislike it when shit just disappears. so bye.

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