Tuesday, March 14, 2006

asian geek couch

-lately i have taken to falling asleep on the couch because it is so easy to sleep on the couch while watching some lame ass show like the apprentice and last night i started to totally pass out and as long as i have started taking to falling asleep on the couch bitch has decided to channel my fucking mother and sit there and poke and kick me saying GO TO BED IF YOUR GOING TO SLEEP and i feel like snapping and punching him in the face and when he is down whap him in the nose with the remote and yell THIS IS MY FUCKING COUCH NOT YOURS!@# IT WAS GIVEN TO US FROM MY PARENTS BUT ... BUT...IF FOR WHAT EVER REASON THE COUCH NEEDS TO GO TO ONE OF US, IT WOULD BE ME SINCE I AM RELATED BY BLOOD TO THOSE WHO GAVE US THE FUCKING COUCH SO I WILL SLEEP ON THIS GAWD DAMN THING IF I WANT TO but i just grumble and mumble fuck off and i pretend to go to bed and then i dont and i just weasel back to the couch and sleep there because i would rather sleep there then beside bitch after waking me up to tell me to go to bed.

-i am re-re-reading on of my most favoritestest books and i am thinking everyone should read and i can not really tell you why but except for the fact that it is good and it is about freaks like albinos and shit but it is not a true story it is a fictional type story but good nonetheless. it is call
Geek Love by Katherine Dunn... tote go read it. and then re-read it.

-when i was little and because my eyelids are all fucked up to the point where they are sorta folded over i actually had people ask me if i was part asian and i would get all ofended and i would lift my middle finger and be like ASSSHOOOO and walk away because i thought i was cool like that but anyway i went out for lunch with shari and i was showing her my camera which i love and she took a picture of me and i tote look asain.
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except for the hair which is atroci-eee-ous but that was because i ran out of hair product and i woke up late and i still had some wax in my hair so i just was like whoosh whoosh through and it was the style for the day.

umm i have nothing else to say. except... FIDO YOU WILL GET YOUR FUCKING PAYMENT!!@# LEAVE ME ALONE BITCHES. jesus... when did a 4 day over due account result in phone call from london ontario wanting money...

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