Thursday, March 30, 2006

twitching lunch

-the last couple of days have been interesting and busy in the office because one coworker lady is off this week on vacation and our receptionist has "the flu". so it has been only a couple of us which i like and totally bosslady becomes uber generous and bought us lunch. i love free lunches and we goto this place called Sciue which is some italian bakery and it is pretty good and 'sciue' in italian regional slang means something hawt like fast and hard or good and hard... i just looked it up it means 'good and fast'. that is still hawt. anyway this guy who works there is some italian guy and his name is da-vee-day the italian with chest hair and bling or that is what i call him because he is italian and he always has his shirt slightly open with some very italian chest hair sticking out sorta carressing whatever silver blingy type necklace he has on. he is super nice though. in my mind he wants me but i do not think he is attractive i just think that because it makes me feel good that some italian guy wants to plow me. today i had their minestrone. delicious. bosslady just asked if we want lunch again tomorrow...

-i have this fucking twitch by my upper lip and it has not stopped for like a week or something stupid and medically worrisome but i am cool but it does become irritating at times because i feel like everybody can see my alien twitch and might think i am trying to impersonate elvis or some shit but it is not that case i am probably just coming down with a bad case of park-in-sons.. oh wait is that the one where people twitch and shake and shit..? anyway. the twitch is driving me nuts.

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