Friday, March 03, 2006

dead man scractching short

-so last night i worked at crapland for a total of a 3 hour shift which is so not worth my effort but at this point i am not complaining i guess because i need to save for hawaii and i am so excited for that shit it is not even funny. but anyway while i was working i noticed some new tacky ass shorts that i have not seen yet which is probably because they are new but i just do not know how new because i do not work like everyday there (thank gawd) and anyway i saw these shorts and i loved them and i tried them i loved them more and then i bought them and i justified it as i do not want to wear the same tacky camo shorts all 8 days so now i have two pairs of shorts to go back and forth with while i am down there
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since i am a short puke they are actually way past my knees than that chicken legs in the picture. but either way i love them.

-yesterday bosslady bought us lunch and i had a muthafuckin 8oz New York sirloin steak for lunch... how do you fuckin vegies like that! it is weird eating steak out of a plastic container though.

-i was supposed to work tomorrow during the day at crapland but i pawned my shift off so i totally can sit at home and drink and play resident evil 4 which i totally beat last week (i have had it since christmas but i just recently started playing it) but after beating the game it unlocked like 3 sub games and i almost shit my pants i was so excited because i was sad that i had beaten it and then CLINK unlocked more... loves it. so i am going to be all lame and do laundry and get drunk playing video games. somewhere in there i am sure i will have to pet and pretend to love bitch but i can do that shit in my sleep! also i love the fact of waking up all HO'd and then bitch has to goto work and i am all like shitty to be you bitch and he is all FUCK YOU and leaves and doesn't even give me a kiss or a tylenol!?!? stupid bitch

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