Wednesday, March 01, 2006

working towards the steps

-so for today and tomorrow i am playing the part of reception-bitch in my office again because our receptionist is off doing something non-work related but apparently medical related and needed 2 days off whatev. it is funny because this is where i started off in this office as reception-bitch(ex-tro-din-air) and then moved to travel bitch. i enjoy being a travel bitch but hello laziness i forgot what this reception thing meant which is like nothing to do and i sit here and all boggled at how much blawging i could do if i were still reception bitch seeing as that my computer is not facing my boss from the front here and i would be able tote ramble anytime i wanted with little waffs of hungover breath and none would be the wiser except for the people i talk to on the phone because they would know my voice and if they hear me all low voiced they would be like ARE YOU HUNG OVER and i would reply HEYYYY LAADDIEESS and then i would get fired. so it is probably better i am not at reception any more but i will enjoy the next two days. ooooo like right now i get to go deliveries of tickets for people who work downtown. i have not done this shit in ages. i heart it. this is where i go walk around and drop off stuff and then shop and sit down at the art gallery and smoke because that is what people who do not work and are cool and stuff do... i stick out though and the non-working smokers know right away i am a working person who is just being lazy smoking on the steps rather than working and then they look at me but i am like WHATEV because at least i do not have to beg people for my smokes oh and have i mentioned i am going to hawaii in 67 days... lets see a non-working person pull that shit off.

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