Monday, March 27, 2006

salami sleepovers and muses

-so last week i was chatting with raymi who if you are not knowing who that is she is like some blawger genius who is a genuine genius who generally says funny and true things. hah aliteration...
anywayanyway she made a painting and that instigated talking of my paintings and i showed her some pictures of some paintings that i have not finished and i have been stuck on this theme of painting PISSED OFF FLOWERS WITH EXPLOSIVE THOUGHTS and she liked them and then she said DO CATS PLEASE so that got me thinking over the weekend and i did more thinking and then suddenly i am going to change themes to PISSED OFF FELINES WITH EXPLOSIVE THOUGHTS> stroke of genius... so this is my imaginary cheers to raymi and her musing suggestion. she will get a cat painting as a result. eventually because i suck at time lines. it will look like this sorta of...
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raymi if you are reading do some further musing and tell me what color you like or what is your favoritest color so when you get it you are not like THIS WHOLE THING SUCKS you will instead say THIS SUCKS BUT AT LEAST HE USED MY FAVORITE COLOR _______!@#!

-i just went to go downstairs to get some lunch because my stomach is not talking it is having a full fledged group conference call down there (hah i made this joke on friday and eastern european coworker did not get it but i thought i was terribly funny so i am going to keep using this line until someone laughs or tells me i am a retard) and then i remembered i have like 200grams of genoa and 150grams of hot genoa at home and i know i will eat that in one sitting and become fat so i am fasting until then. i will just drink coffee in the mean time.

-bitch and i have decided not to go out anymore because we both scoff at spending 15 dollars on a picther of beer when that same money will buy us a 6 pack and we can get looped in the privacy of our home that has very thin walls and then we invite friends over and we have slumber parties where we talk about how trashed we are and peniseses and things like how i woke up at 3am to the smoke alarm going off and found all these friends in my apartment because they like to come over and drink at our apartment. it is fun. then the next day i walk into the living room and open the blinds and make them get up because i want to play xbox games.

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