Wednesday, November 30, 2005

blip blop

-since bitch has been out of work funds have been low and ya and today i just got paid and after i pay what needs to be paid like bus transfers, cell phones, msp, and rent i have 120 left to my name. depressing.

-i have started painting again. in high school i was a massive art student. at one point i had art12, visual art 2d, visual art 3d, and creative design all in one day. it was fun. i even had the same teacher the whole day. she was the one who introduced me to salvador dali. i heart ms. elliott. my paint skills suck but that is okay since this is the second painting i have done in five years so to me not so bad but whatev. i will post the first one when i take a picture.

i call this 'the emination of animosity'... i dunno. i like making shit up.

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