Tuesday, November 22, 2005

grabbing beer and sleep

-so gwen was a bust. bitch and i got kicked out. apparently at some point when we were at the concert watching mia 4 people came and spoke with us saying we can not buy more beer and if we did we would get kicked out. that never took place. i never saw these four people before. so when bitch and i went to buy another beer while waiting for gwen we were tackled and dragged outside being informed that we were warned. i explained that they must have had the wrong people because i had never spoke with any security what so ever. they did not listen and kept throwing dave and i around. it was completely unfair and unjust needless to say i am awaiting a call from the head of security because we missed the concert.

what angers me even more that there was this one chickypoo who was all up in my face saying I WAS THERE WHEN THEY LAST SPOKE WITH YOU! they did not seem to grasp the fact that i had not spoke to anyone. we had only been there for like 30 minutes just. i was not trashed after one beer that i could not remember a fucking conversation with 4 security guards. when i spoke with the head of security apparently there was no record of it in the log book. so you mean to tell me you physically throw 2 people out that you have apparently also warned and there is no record of this?!? how.? they screwed up bicthes foot as well and i even tried telling them to ease up on him becasue of his foot but they only seemed to take that as a sign to be even rougher.

the night got better...

on the way home waiting for the bus some homeless bitch came up and started putting her hands in bitchs pocket. bitch was like GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME and she then comes to me and is staring at me and i was all F! OFF!!@# and she just stared and then the bus came and as i was stepping on the bus she reaches and grabs at my wallet and runs. she did not get my wallet but the cow jacked my bus pass!@

it was a great night.

last night i went to the stars concert. it was pretty good. i watched a bit and then fell asleep at the concert. sexy eh? i sleep where ever. i once fell asleep at a janes addiction concert. i was angry about that one.

i always fall asleep...

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