Friday, November 25, 2005

dusking durational frustration

-some high beings are having a great time with me because ever since the incident on sunday at gwen stefani and getting kicked out for NO REASON i am always waking up with random gwen songs stuck in my head and i have not even heard her music because i am no listening to her cd. i have not heard her on the radio and shit. it is weird. today it was luxurious or whatever it is called. see i am not even that big of a gwen fan but the whole event on sunday just is pissing me off so now each morning i am all ARGHAAHRGHAGH and am ready to kick ass. i am not liking this feeling and i want a resolution from security head man but he is not returning my calls because he is busy but that is okay because i sit by a phone all day long at my desk so i am repeatidingly calling him until i get some answers. i am a good thorn.

-i had a dream last night that i was going to hawaii. i have been working my ass off lately and i am just tired. no wonder i fall asleep everywhere. when i woke up and realized i am not going to hawaii and with some stupid fucking gwen song stuck in my head i wanted to shoot myself in the face. instead i got ready for work.

a joke:

A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a drink and while he's drinking, the monkey jumps all around the place. The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them.
Then he grabs some sliced limes and eats them. He then jumps onto the pool table and grabs one of the billiard balls.
To everyone's amazement, he sticks it in his mouth, and somehow swallows it whole. The bartender screams at the guy,
"Did you see what your monkey just did?"
"No, what?"
"He just ate the cue ball off my pool table... whole!"
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy, "he eats everything in sight. Sorry! I'll pay for the cue ball and stuff."
The guy finishes his drink, pays his bill, pays for the stuff the monkey ate and leaves.

Two weeks later the guy is in the bar again, and has his monkey with him. He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again.
While the man is finishing his drink, the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it up his butt, pulls it out, and eats it. Then the monkey finds a peanut, and again sticks it up his butt, pulls it out, and eats it.
The bartender is disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did now?"
"No, what?" replied the man.
"Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry and a peanut up his butt, pulled them out, and ate them!" said the bartender.
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy. "He still eats everything in sight, but ever since he had to pass that cue ball, he measures everything first."

taken from:

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