Thursday, November 03, 2005

supreme meeses of leisure

-my life is pretty non-exciting. this fact was validated by my levels of excitement when the ACCOUNTANT MAN in my office just bought me a new optical mouse. my other one was always getting dirty and not moving the way it was supposed to and so one day out of frustration i slammed it down and it stopped working. i killed it but i did not take responsibility so i said it just gave up in life and ACCOUNTANT MAN said okay and came in this morning with a new one... and here i am excited about this. sad...
since i am having nothing exciting to type about i will share an all-brilliant quote from mr. all brilliant himself, George Carlin:
"If this is the best God can do, I'm not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the resume of a supreme being. This is the kind of stuff you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. In any well-managed universe, this guy would have been out on his all-powerful ass a long time ago."

-in other news, my mother unit being one of the best mother units out there plus a mother unit with a pocket of substantial change because of an estate, she was feeling bad about the couch situation, has given bitch and i a gift card to ikea to go buy a new couch. so i am going to ikea with bitch on sunday. mind you i was getting used to the cushions on the ground and laying the all out and lying on them as if they were on a couch. i called the COO-SHONS sorta like futon but with cushions and i was actually willing to make it the next best furniture design but that quickly dissappeared as i saw this gift card to ikea... the COO-SHONS will have to wait for the time being or until i somehow do not have a couch again next time i move.

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