Monday, November 07, 2005

velvety dead raisin (was:swedish said so)

-so bitch and i went shopping at ikea with the help of friend keenan. hi keenan i say hi because i know keenan is one of the only few that actually reads my tripe but hi keenan. bitch and i got a new sofa, coffee table, side table, a table lamp and a closet organizer thing so i am not having to jump to the top shelf everytime i need to wear a t-shirt which is pretty hard when you are hung over as balance and eye-hand coordination are not particularily sharp. i like my sofa. bitch took a bit of getting used to the color (which i describe as Velvety Dead Raisin) but whatev he did not seem to mind it this morning as i was leaving to work and he was lying on it with his cast. when we got to my apartment we had a bit of a struggle getting it in again due to poor building design ..

[side story:] i was all exciting doing some laundry on friday night and i met person named darcy who just moved in as well and i learned that she had to get rid of her couch too as it did not fit. interesting. if any of you need a sofa just come to my building as there seems to be an abundance of sofas that are too big.[end side story]

.. and lo and behold buildingman richard must have been watching his secuirty cameras as he was right down the stairs and opens the door in the lobby at the first sign of a struggle with the furniture DINT CHOO MEZSHA BEFORE YOU BOUGHT COWCH i told him politely yes and we eventually got the gawd damn thing in. we went and drank immediately.

i am happy about the couch because now i can have people over and not have to pretend we are into contemparary japanese furniture design and believe it is more comfortable to sit on the ground because it is not and watch extreme make over home edition and laugh as a person with no legs and no arms wrestles a person with all limbs and person with limbs actually loses to the amputee. it was funny in that creepy i-wonder-if-he-can-fist-someone-with-those-stumpy-stumps type way.

thanks again keenan.


jay-cawk said...

good to see you actually took the time to go through the blogspot bs just to leave me a comment.

thank you...
yup i said it.

Dawn Z(ed) said...

I totally understand the couch problems. Moving into my new place I needed to buy a couch but my door is only 26" wide and up a flight of stairs, so there's no coaxing it around a corner at all. It took me two months to find a couch, but I love it!

Now if I could just find armchairs I liked...