Friday, November 25, 2005

day 32

dear diary... (aka err skwirl)

i love your place. it looks so nice and comfortable. i am sitting here typing to you while listening to sex and the city in the background. your area of living is interesting. ahh lynn valley.

at 11:00pm i had a craving for genoa salami. you know me and my salami... but at least i weened my self from parmasean salami because that shit does not get me laid because it smells nasty. anyway so i went to your local grocery store and the deli man was old and grumpy. i guess he does not like slicing meat at 11:00pm. i slice meat anytime i can. anyway i asked for 200g of genoa and he groaned or grumbled i am not too sure because he was not facing me. he made a quick slice and held it out to me. in surrey that means HERE HAVE IT so i went to grab for it. i am guessing in lynn valley it is meaning something different because as i reached for it he yanked it away and grumbled or groaned and did this big ol huge ol sigh and handed it back. i ate it quickly saying MMMM and he proceeded to slice me meat. he was weird and a gawd damn grumpy ass... i am sorry i am not accustomed to grocery store ways here.

i like the air here too. it smells fresh. it puts me in shock. i lit a smoke to balance my internal universe. i coughed but it was because i swallowed a bug.

i went to cross the street when i was coming home from the grocery store and i waited at the stop light for it to change the color of stop. it did. the only thing was that cars did not stop well not cars just a station wagon full of teens did not stop. a station wagon sped through the intersection and a red light. i am glad i was too busy fussing with my genoa to step out or else i would have been genoa myself.

other than that i love it here. your cats are cute but apparently they have issues with your computer because everytime i go to type the orange top sits in front of me and meows and then goes to my backpack and paws at it. the dark anti-social one paws at it too but i think he just does it to be cool. hah. bottoms are like that. i should know...

i should go because samantha is fucking that hawt blond guy and my drink is empty.



ps-your tub is my oasis. i did not use it but i almost slept in it! :)

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